We understand that our participants aren't just business people running big or small operations, they are people who have partners, children, families and much more.
The tools that we have developed and the framework that is unpacked over the 2 days enables participants to better juggle the hustle of our modern business environment whilst maintaining and repairing the relations that underpin the joy and satisfaction of life!!
What you do for a crust is only PART of who you are.
The concept of having a Work life and a Personal life -- each separate from the other -- its a fallacy!!
You have one LIFE - and if either is out of balance, toxic or disfunctional it affects you as a whole person.
When we address the person and the person is able to change, their "whole life" personal and professional starts to transform.
Our participants are down to earth, practical business owners/entrepreneurs, CEO's and Senior Leaders.
People - Hungry for CHANGE!
You want to start seeing the financial rewards for the hard yards you have been doing.
How to manifest goals faster; without working HARDER!
How to shift negative emotions ‘in the moment’ - become "Emotionally Invincible".
How to master TIME -- create extra hours for the things you care about!
How to bridge the "Knowing"and "Doing" Gap [It's why successive programs have had little impact]
As a Strategist, Marketer, Business Developer, and Visionary - I know how important it is to function from the top rungs of the ladder. The businesses I work with, and the people in these organisations depend on it. That’s why I am constantly ensuring I work with the best of the best on myself, to ensure I am operating in my genius, worlds apart from my competitors.
After working with Juliane and Trevor, I am feeling the freest I’ve felt in a long time. There are things happening in my life and in my business that I can only describe as miraculous.
I have attended many top-level Personal Growth and Self Development seminars over the years, including Tony Robbins “Unleash The Power Within” and “Date With Destiny” - as well as many Sales & Marketing courses. Juliane and Trevor’s work is by far the most Empowering, Life-changing, and Transformational work I have ever done.
Their program changes mindset with simply proven principles ‘that work’ on ALL levels of life - and empowers people to live their full potential - physically, mentally and financially.
I’d recommend it to anyone and everyone!
We cannot express the value of what you will learn over these two days!
We even offer you a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee!
What does that mean?
If by the end of the first day, you and your partner decide that you are not completely happy with what you have learnt, we will refund your investment - happily!
Please dress in layers as the air-conditioning or heating in the rooms cannot always be adjusted to every attendee's preferences.
Audience sizes have been varying between 50 - 100 people, occasionally much larger.
Please bring a pen, paper and something to write on if you wish to take notes (most people do).
Seating is usually "classroom table style" but may at times be theatre style (no tables) to allow for more seats.
Handicapped seating is available - please e-mail servingyou@livingcourageously.com.au with any special requests.
Please, no video or audio recording (of over a few minutes) is allowed without advance written approval from Living Courageously. Still photography or brief vids for personal purposes may be taken (and are encouraged) throughout the event!
This program is for adults, 16 and up. Some material covered may be inappropriate for younger ages, however 14-17 may attend with their parents. No young children, toddlers, or infants, please.
PLEASE NOTE: Tickets will not be mailed for these events. Your invoice will be your e-ticket.